This site is an archive for interesting videos to be used in training and in the classroom.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Evan Williams: Listening to Twitter Users

With a couple of anecdotes building the ultimate social media case study, Twitter co-founder Evan Williams discusses how a little side project called Twitter became a game-changing phenomenon with the help and input of the very users who made the service a success. From innovative marketing uses to core functionality, Williams provides the evidence for what we knew all along: Users know best.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

US Education Secretary Arne Duncan

Secretary Duncan presents to the National Technology Coordinators in Washington, D.C.
November, 2010

The National Education Technology Plan is located online:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education

Education scientist Sugata Mitra tackles one of the greatest problems of education -- the best teachers and schools don't exist where they're needed most. In a series of real-life experiments from New Delhi to South Africa to Italy, he gave kids self-supervised access to the web and saw results that could revolutionize how we think about teaching.

About Sugata Mitra

Sugata Mitra's "Hole in the Wall" experiments have shown that, in the absence of supervision or formal teaching, children can teach themselves and each other, if they're motivated by curiosity

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kseniya Simonova's Amazing Sand Drawing

Kseniya Simonova is a Ukrainian artist who just won Ukraine's version of "America's Got Talent." She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and "sand painting" skills to interpret Germany's invasion and occupation of Ukraine during WWII.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Carrot Mob.Org

Carrotmob Makes It Rain from carrotmob on Vimeo.

Eco-Friendly Porsche

Bottle Recycle Center

Many of us return our plastic bottles and cans. Noticeably fewer recycle their glass. Maybe that's because we don't get any money in return, as we do for cans and plastic. Can we change this attitude by making recycling glass fun to do? So you are not just rewarded with a good conscience, you also get a smile. See the results here.

World's Deepest Garbage Bin

To throw rubbish in the bin instead of onto the floor shouldn’t really be so hard. Many people still fail to do so. Can we get more people to throw rubbish into the bin, rather than onto the ground, by making it fun to do? See the results here.

Speed Limit Lottery Reward

Can we get more people to obey the speed limit by making it fun to do? The idea here is capture on camera the people who keep to the speed limit. They would have their photos taken and registration numbers recorded and entered into a lottery. Winners would recieve cash prizes and be notified by post. Better still, the winning pot would come from the people who were caught speeding.

Piano Stairs

Apollo 11 at 500 frames per second

Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch (HD) Camera E-8 from Mark Gray on Vimeo.

This amazing video by Spacecraft Films shows the July 16, 1969 launch of the Apollo 11 mission that landed the first humans on the moon. The camera was rolling at a whopping 500 frames per second, allowing the first 30 seconds of the launch to be slowed down into this 8-minute narrated video of pure awesomeness.

Free Hidden Electricity

More DIY videos at

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lap Around the Boat

Pretty fun six a big floating amusement park on crack, and you get to fly the go-karts.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Holland Bike Rush Hour

markenlei April 28, 2010Morning rush hour in the 4th largest city in the Netherlands. Streets look like this when 33% of ALL trips are made by bicycle!

This is an ordinary Wednesday morning in April 2010 at around 8.30 am. Original time was 8 minutes that were compressed into 2 minutes, so everything is 4 times faster than in reality. The sound is original.

This is one of the busiest junctions in Utrecht a city with a population of 300,000. No less than 18,000 bicycles and 2,500 buses pass here every day. And yet Google Street View missed it. Because private motorized traffic is restricted here.

These cyclists cross a one way bus lane (also used by taxis and municipal vehicles), two light rail tracks and then a one way street that can be used by private vehicles.

Behind the camera is a railway (you can hear the squeaking sounds of the trains passing) and the main railway station is very close too. A number of rental bikes from the station pass and many of the cyclists will have come by train for the first part of their commute.

For those who frown upon the total absence of bike helmets in this video, consider these findings from a US study:

"Cycling in the Netherlands is much safer than in the USA. The Netherlands has the lowest non-fatal injury rate as well as the lowest fatality rate, while the USA has the highest non-fatal injury rate as well as the highest fatality rate. Indeed, the non-fatal injury rate for the USA is about 30 times higher than for the Netherlands.

Injury rate per million km cycled: USA 37.5; NL 1.4
Fatality rate per 100 million km cycled: USA 5.8; NL 1.1"

From: Pucher, John and Buehler, Ralph (2008) 'Making Cycling Irresistible: Lessons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Germany'.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Evaluating Web Sites

Expansion of the United States, 1763 to Present

Ich bin Ein Berliner (1963)

It follows the full text transcript of John F. Kennedy's Ich bin ein Berliner speech, delivered in the Rudolph Wilde Platz, West Berlin - June 26, 1963.

Duck and Cover - Early Warning Defense

Duck and Cover was a social guidance film produced in 1951 by the United States federal government's Civil Defense branch shortly after the Soviet Union began nuclear testing. Written by Raymond J. Mauer and directed by Anthony Rizzo of Archer Productions and made with the help of schoolchildren from New York City and Astoria, New York, it was shown in schools as the cornerstone of the government's "duck and cover" public awareness campaign. The movie states that nuclear war could happen at any time without warning, and U.S. citizens should keep this constantly in mind and be ever ready.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Avoid Addictions for Teens

NIDA scientists Gaya Dowling and Redonna Chandler talk about the health effects and dangers on smoking and nicotine.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fox News: Unions are Destroying America

Carla Katz (Union President) - Unions ARE Good for America

Are Unions Good for America?

Are Unions Good for America?
Wed, Mar 31, 2010 8:00 AM
For the first time in American history, unionized government workers outnumber those in the private sector. While some observers lament the relative decline of private-sector unions, others argue that while they increase wages in unionized industries, they also limit employment opportunities, depress wages in nonunion jobs, lower rates of return on investment in unionized firms, slow the growth of productivity, and distort the political process. Public-sector unions, on the other hand, are insulated from competition and benefit directly from larger, more powerful government. Even so, many people believe that unions are a positive force in American society. How have unions shaped political and economic arrangements in the United States, and has that influence been beneficial? Please join us for a review of the history, impact, and future of unions in America.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Slip and Fall Prevention Video

Patricia Christopersen, Lila Ruhle, and Dennis Flores created a video for Anchorage School District's "ASD Tube" web site.


The Harmonica Man

Andy Mackie now has a music foundation to help even more kids enjoy music!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dan Pink - Intrinsic Motivation

Dan Pink at TEDGlobal 2009: Running notes from Session 12 | TED Blog
Dan Pink, once a speechwriter for Al Gore, is now a career analyst beginning a revolution in the workplaces ...

Did You Know 4.0

Friday, March 12, 2010

Great Depression - Dust Bowl

RuneHQVideos June 04, 2007This is a video I made for my AP US History Final that shows what The Great Depression and The Dust Bowl was like 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

President Obama Addresses the U.S.-Islamic World Forum

President Obama spoke via video conference to the U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Doha, Qatar today. The President built on his speech to the Muslim world last year in Cairo, where he spoke of peace and cooperation. Today Mr. Obama talked about ending the war in Iraq, and his support for a two-state solution in the Middle East. He also announced that he's appointed Rashad Hussain to be a special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

How to add video to PowerPoint

Standards in Education - by Meredith Davis

Cooper-Hewitt: Learning by Design - Keynote, Meredith Davis
49:49 - 2 years ago
Design educator Meredith Davis describes design-based education and provides examples of how it can be used in the classroom to meet local and state standards. She also presents evidence from various studies to prove the success of design-based education in meeting education goals and engaging students. 

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Education in Alaska... according to our Commissioner Education Commissioner Larry LeDoux to the Legislature


- Round Table Discussion w/ Larry LeDoux, DEED Commissioner: How criteria relate to goals of a potential scholarship program - Overview: DEED Virtual School Concept; Dept. of Defense Online Virtual High School; AK School District Online Course Offerings

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Born and raised in juneau, Alaska, I have had the opportunity to travel around the world, hosted by incredible people, and always glad to be home where nature is everywhere.