This site is an archive for interesting videos to be used in training and in the classroom.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Evaluating Web Sites

Expansion of the United States, 1763 to Present

Ich bin Ein Berliner (1963)

It follows the full text transcript of John F. Kennedy's Ich bin ein Berliner speech, delivered in the Rudolph Wilde Platz, West Berlin - June 26, 1963.

Duck and Cover - Early Warning Defense

Duck and Cover was a social guidance film produced in 1951 by the United States federal government's Civil Defense branch shortly after the Soviet Union began nuclear testing. Written by Raymond J. Mauer and directed by Anthony Rizzo of Archer Productions and made with the help of schoolchildren from New York City and Astoria, New York, it was shown in schools as the cornerstone of the government's "duck and cover" public awareness campaign. The movie states that nuclear war could happen at any time without warning, and U.S. citizens should keep this constantly in mind and be ever ready.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Avoid Addictions for Teens

NIDA scientists Gaya Dowling and Redonna Chandler talk about the health effects and dangers on smoking and nicotine.

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Born and raised in juneau, Alaska, I have had the opportunity to travel around the world, hosted by incredible people, and always glad to be home where nature is everywhere.