This site is an archive for interesting videos to be used in training and in the classroom.

Monday, November 12, 2012


The work of Lev Vygotsky is increasingly cited as we reconsider the theory and practice of constructivist education. This program introduces the life, vocabulary and concepts of Lev Vygotsky. The video illustrates four basic concepts integral to his work: Children construct knowledge, learning can lead development, development cannot be separated from its social context, and language plays a central role in cognitive development. Elena Bodrova brings an easy familiarity to these concepts. Deborah Leongs commentary and the lively classroom examples enable students, teachers in training, and classroom teachers to incorporate these concepts into their understanding of child development. with deborah Leong, Ph.D. and Elena Bodrova, Ph.D. This is a short clip form the film. Further information is available at

Thursday, June 14, 2012

TEDxBozeman - Paul Andersen - Classroom Game Design

11 min video

Paul Andersen has been teaching science in Montana for the last eighteen years.  He explains how he is using elements of game design to improve learning in his AP Biology classroom.  Paul's science videos have been viewed millions of times by students around the world.  He was the 2011 Montana Teacher of the Year and he is currently a science teacher at Bozeman High School.  For more information on Paul's work visit

Paul Andersen has been teaching high school science in Montana for the last seventeen years.  He has been teaching science on YouTube for the last three years. Paul began his career teaching all the science classes at a small rural school in northern Montana. Paul is currently an AP Biology teacher and technology mentor at Bozeman High School.  Paul uses technology and game mechanics to increase engagement in his classroom.  Paul is the 2011 Montana Teacher of the Year and was one of four finalists for National Teacher of the Year.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's About (Jason Ohler at ASTE 2012)

It's about. It answers the question, What matters?

It's About ( is a series of digital art compositions pieces that explore the world of living digitally ... and what it's about.

This particular piece is the result of a new program started by the Alaska Society for Technology in Education (ASTE): The Conference Artist in Residence. For its 2012 conference, ASTE hired two media artists, Craig R Harris and Jason Ohler, to create a piece of multimedia artwork that was inspired by the conference itself. With help from photographer Candy Kuehn and two student assistants, James Fleharty and Adam Zamudio, the team interviewed conference attendants, took photos, shot video, and in general used the conference to inform the creation of the media piece presented here. The questions this piece seeks to answer are: What is the future of technology and learning? What issues does education need to address to remain relevant to digitally adept K12 students?

From the input we gathered, Jason wrote a script, Craig Harris composed the music, Candy Kuehn created digital photo illustrations; Randy and Adam prepared digital assets, including video and photos. We turned to the Web for the digital material we needed to further illustrate our points.

The piece was created in 3 days, and shown at the conference on a non-published basis. Post-production consisted largely of obtaining permissions to use other people's material, which in turn changed what we used in the final piece to a small extent. The citation and permission process can be found at

It's about. It's about the past, now, the future and what we can imagine.

You can find this video on Jason's site:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

We Didn't Start the Fire

This 2.5 minute video was produced by 2010 students at HIghland Tech charter school in Anchorage. Their assignment was to report on current events.  They took a popular song, used images off Google and had some fun learning video editing.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Extreme Snow in Valdez - Jan 2012

Extreme snow in Valdez, Alaska from anchoragedailynews on Vimeo.

The snowfall has been extreme this winter in Valdez, even for a city used to lots of snow. When the weather cleared, many were busy trying to move it from streets and roofs and reopen schools. Valdez residents discuss how they've handled the 322 inches...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Autistic Girl Expresses Profound Intelligence

10 min video about Carley, who learns to text at the age of 11, and now is helping doctors and many others understand autism.

Extraordinary story of Carly Fleischmann, a 14-year-old child who has severe form of autism and unable to speak, but she found a way to communicate with the world in a highly efficient manner. Her parents never lost hope. Years of hard work of Carly's family and therapists brought some amazing and completely unexpected result.

To see Carly's blog, to go:

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Born and raised in juneau, Alaska, I have had the opportunity to travel around the world, hosted by incredible people, and always glad to be home where nature is everywhere.